
  • Hot Deal

  • 30% discount on Dental cleanings and extractions
    Dental health is extremely important to your pets' well-being. Just like people, bacteria can spread from the gumline to the heart and cause a serious infection in the heart known as endocarditis. Many pets are also very stoic and will not let you know that they have a tooth that is hurting them. Here at Treasured Pets Veterinary Hospital, we offer a dental cleaning under anesthesia because a pet will not allow a thorough exam without it. A thorough exam also includes dental x-rays because 80% of dental disease occurs behind the gumline, where we can't see it. All pets undergoing anesthesia get full bloodwork before going under anesthesia and they get the same monitoring that a human would get when they go under anesthesia. So please bring your furry baby in for a full oral exam and dental cleaning so we can make sure they are happy and healthy from the tips of their noses to the tips of their tails. 
    Contact Information
    Offer Valid: April 1, 2024June 30, 2024
    Forney Chamber of Commerce