

  • Important Phone Numbers

  • Forney Police Dept. -  972-552-3932

    Forney Fire Dept.  -  972-552-2211

    Water Emergency - contact non emergency Police line and they dispatch On-call 972-552-3932

    Electrical Emergency - TVEC- 972-932-2214

    Electrical Emergency - TXU
    Small/Med Business  888-399-5501 
    Large Business  800-725-7920 
    Residential  800-233-2133

    Forney Chamber of Commerce - 972-564-2233

    Forney City Hall - 972-564-7300

    Forney Economic Development Corporation - 972-564-5808

    Forney Independent School District - 972-564-4055

    Municipal Courthouse - 972-564-7300

    Sub Courthouse - 972-564-4054

    Tax Office - 972-932-0288

    Appraisal District - 972-932-6081

    Senior Center - 972-564-1454

    Animal Shelter - 972-564-7397

    CPS - 800-252-5400

    Child Advocacy Center - 972-932-6252

    Genesis Women's Shelter - 972-932-4351

    Healing Hearts Ministries (Women/Kids Home) - 972-551-2700

    American Red Cross - 972-563-1030

    Run away hotline - 888-580-4357

    Youth Crisis Hotline - 800-210-2278

    Suicide Crisis Intervention - 800-SUICIDE

    Adult Protective Services - 800-252-5400

    Rape/Sexual Assault - 800-656-4673

    Better Business Bureau - 800-705-3994

    Poison Center - 800-222-1222

    FBI - 972-559-5000

    Crimestoppers - 800-799-1233